
Zathura keyboard shortcuts

Zathura is A simple document viewer for Linux and different UNIX-like working techniques. In contrast to different doc readers, Zathura goals to supply a plugin-based doc viewer that may deal with virtually any fashionable format. Furthermore, you should utilize it with Troff to provide print-ready PDF paperwork. Nevertheless, one among Zathura’s greatest promoting factors is its deal with “mouse-free navigation.” Which means virtually the entire program’s features can be found as a keyboard shortcut. Because of this, Zathura could be an efficient method to browse your digital paperwork. Beneath are the Zathura keyboard shortcuts.

Zathura keyboard shortcuts

This text will present how one can successfully use Zathura to scan primary paperwork in Linux. Not solely that, however it would additionally present you how one can enhance this system with some hidden command mode options.

abbreviation Perform
Doc navigation
J Transfer the doc view window down one line.
Ok Transfer the doc view window up one line.
L Transfer the doc view window one column to the best.
H Transfer the doc view window one column to the left.
Ctrl + D Transfer the doc view window half a web page down.
Ctrl + U Transfer the doc view window half a web page up.
Ctrl + Y Transfer the doc view window half a web page to the best.
Ctrl + T Transfer the doc view window half a web page to the left.
Ctrl + B Transfer the Doc View window down a full web page.
Ctrl + F و Transfer the Doc View window up a full web page.
Y Transfer the doc view window a full web page to the left.
T And transfer the doc view window a full web page to the left.
G, then G Go to the primary web page of the present doc.
Shift + G Go to the final web page of the present doc.
5, then Shift + G Go to the fifth web page of the present doc.
Shift + P and to the at the moment chosen web page.
Shift + H High of the at the moment chosen web page.
Shift + L to the underside of the at the moment chosen web page.
/ Open the Zathura ahead search immediate.
Shift + / Open the Zathura reverse lookup immediate.
N Transfer to the subsequent incidence of the present search time period.
Shift + N Return to the earlier iteration of the present search time period.
Navigation interface
A Match the peak of the present web page to the show window.
S Match the width of the present web page to the show window.
D Redraw the present doc in booklet format.
R Rotate the present doc 90 levels clockwise.
Ctrl + N Toggle Zathura standing bar.
Ctrl + M Toggle enter subject bar for Zathura.
Shift + Equal (=) Zoom in on the doc on the at the moment chosen web page.
Minus (-) Decrease the at the moment chosen web page.
Equal (=) Invert the zoom stage of the doc on the at the moment chosen web page.
60 + Equal (=) Set the present doc zoom stage to 60%.
Ctrl + R Invert the colours of the present doc.
Shift + R Replace and redraw the present doc.
F5 Go to Zathura view mode.
F11 Go full display screen for Zathura.
Q Finish the present Zathura session.
Linking and indexing
Shift + F Present all hyperlink hints on the present web page.
F Load a hyperlink tip web page into the doc viewer.
C Copy the hyperlink tip web page to the system clipboard.
M + 1 Create a brand new bookmark on the present web page and reserve it to the letter “1.”
Apostrophe (‘) + 1 Load the sign at the moment saved within the character “1.”
Tab The Doc Content material Index tab is displayed.
J Scroll down one merchandise within the doc’s content material index.
Ok Scroll up one merchandise within the doc’s content material index.
L Show the subitems of the present index merchandise.
H Conceal subitems of the present index factor.
Shift + L Show all subitems within the doc’s content material index.
Shift + H Conceal all sub-items within the doc content material index.
Enter Load the web page of the at the moment chosen index entry.
show mode
Area Go to the subsequent doc slide.
Shift + Area Return to the earlier doc slide.
Esc Cancel any process at the moment operating in presentation mode.
F5 Return to the default Zathura mode.
full display screen mode
Shift + J Transfer the doc view window down a full web page.
Shift + Ok Transfer the Doc View window up a full web page.
Z, then Shift + I Zoom in to the at the moment chosen web page.
Z, then Shift + O Decrease the present chosen web page.
Z + 0 Reset the present zoom stage.
60 + Equal (=) Set the doc zoom stage to 60%.
Esc Cancel any process at the moment operating in full display screen mode.
F11 Return to the default Zathura mode.
putting orders
Shift + semicolon (;) Open Zathura Command Immediate.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “shut” Exit the present doc with out exiting Zathura.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “open” Open a brand new doc within the present Zathura window.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “blist” Listing of all accessible bookmarks for the present session.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “badd” Add the present web page to the session bookmark index.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “bdelete” Open the Zathura bookmark delete immediate.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “exec” Run an exterior shell command on the present doc.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “information” Print the inner properties of the doc.
Shift + semicolon (;), then “print” Ship the present doc to the machine’s print spooler.
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