
How to hide the taskbar in Windows 11

How to hide the taskbar in Windows 11

The taskbar is an essential Windows feature that provides quick access to applications and system features. However, there may be times when you want to hide the taskbar for a larger workspace or just for a more immersive experience. In this article, we will tell you how to hide the taskbar in Windows 11.

Here’s how to hide the taskbar in Windows 11:

1. Right-click on the taskbar and select Taskbar settings.

Taskbar settings

2. Click taskbar behavior.

taskbar behavior

3. Check the box next to Automatically hide the taskbar.

Hide the taskbar

4. Once enabled, the taskbar will automatically disappear when the mouse cursor is not used in this area.

5. To bring back the taskbar, move your mouse to the bottom of the screen.

6. When you move the mouse away from the bottom of the screen, the taskbar disappears again.

Why isn’t my Windows taskbar hiding?

When you hide the taskbar in Windows 11, several things can cause it to appear again. It’s designed to appear automatically when you hover your mouse down on the screen, but notifications and apps can also cause it to appear. So if your taskbar isn’t hiding in time, the notification or app probably needs your attention.

If the Windows 11 taskbar is not hidden, try these fixes:
  • Check and clear your notifications. You can access notifications by clicking on the right corner of the taskbar. If you have any notifications, click and read them or clear them and check if the taskbar hides or not.
  • Find apps that need your attention. Some of your apps may be allowed to flash an alert on the taskbar, which also causes the taskbar to appear if it’s hidden or prevents it from hiding at all. Click on every open app in your taskbar, and the taskbar should disappear after you click on the app that has an alert.
  • Close your apps. In some cases, you may need to close and restart applications to hide the taskbar. If you click on every app and the taskbar won’t hide, try closing all open apps. If the taskbar is hidden, you can reopen your apps one by one to see which one is causing the problem.
  • Restart Windows Explorer. If you followed the steps in the previous section and the taskbar does not hide, you may need to restart Windows Explorer. You can do this by opening the task manager, right-clicking on a fileWindows Explorer and clicking on to reboot.
  • Restart your computer. If the taskbar still won’t hide, restarting your computer usually solves the problem.

Why does the taskbar not disappear when I go full screen?

If the taskbar does not hide when you go full screen, it is because you did not set the taskbar to hide automatically. Follow the steps in the first section if you haven’t already, then check to see if the taskbar still appears when you’re full screen in an app. If so, check the fixes provided in the second section, as you may have a stuck notification or an app that is preventing the taskbar from hiding.

Why isn’t the taskbar appearing on my second screen in Windows 11?

When you add a second monitor in Windows and extend your display so that it has separate desktops on each monitor, you can choose where you want the taskbar to appear. For example, you can make the taskbar appear only on the main monitor, or both. You can also use this option in combination with the Hide option, which allows the taskbar to hide on both screens. When you do this, you can bring up the taskbar on either screen by moving your mouse to the bottom of that screen.

Also read: How to change the size of the taskbar in Windows 11

Windows 11 has an issue where the taskbar on the second screen will hide if you set it, but then will refuse to appear when you move your mouse down the screen. In some cases, this is due to installed apps. If you remove pinned icons by right-clicking on them and selecting Undock it from the taskbaryou may find the taskbar functions correctly.

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